
ECRE is currently working on redeveloping the website. Visitors can still access the database and search for asylum-related judgments up until 2021.

  • ECtHR decision in Bakoyev v. Russia (no. 30225/11) [Articles 3 and 5 ECHR]

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    The applicant is an Uzbek national who was arrested in Moscow in June 2010 and placed in custody with a view to his extradition to Kyrgyzstan. He was released one year later, but then placed in custody again pending his extradition to Uzbekistan where he was wanted on fraud charges. An asylum claim he had filed was rejected in May 2011. Mr. Bakoyev alleged that, if extradited to Uzbekistan, he would face risk of ill-treatment and unfair trial. He also complained about his two detention periods pending extradition on account of their unlawfulness and excessive length.

  • Updated Publication: Bringing a case to the ECtHR - A practical guide on admissibility criteria

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    The European Court of Human Rights is currently overloaded with cases (there were almost 150,000 pending applications at the end of March 2012). Some 90% of all applications are eventually declared inadmissible.

  • European Parliament: final adoption of the new asylum legislation and adoption of amendments to the Schengen acquis

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    The European Parliament voted this week in favour of the new asylum legislation. The Parliament approved the recast versions of the Dublin Regulation, the Eurodac Regulation, the Asylum Procedures Directive and the Reception Conditions Directive. See the press release of the European Parliament.

  • ECtHR judgment in Sidikovy v. Russia (no. 73455/11) [Articles 3 and 5 ECHR]

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    The applicants are a married couple of Tajikistani nationality who live in Moscow. Mr. Sidikov was arrested in 2010 and placed in detention pending his extradition to Tajikistan, where he was wanted for charges related to his activity for the Islamic organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir. His extradition was ordered and upheld by courts, but it was not enforced in view of the application for temporary asylum that he lodged in December 2011, which was accepted in August 2012 and grants him protection for one year. Ms.

  • Council of the European Union: negotiations on EUROSUR, Asylum Procedures Directive and Eurodac

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    The Irish Presidency has prepared a document containing the proposals of the Commission and the positions of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the EUROSUR regulation. The Presidency has also included comments and compromise text proposals and invites delegations to agree with them for the purpose of making further progress in the next trilogue with the European Parliament, which will take place on 27 March.

  • European Parliament: favourable vote to the Asylum Procedures Directive and the Eurodac Regulation at the LIBE Committee

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    The LIBE Committee endorsed in a vote on Wednesday the provisional agreements reached by the Council and the Parliament on the Eurodac Regulation and the Asylum Procedures Directive last month. The texts will be put to the plenary vote of the Parliament in June together with the recast Dublin Regulation and Reception Conditions Directive.

  • ECRE and the ELENA network open registration for the Introductory course on the international protection of refugees 2013

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    The 2013 ELENA Introductory course on the International Protection of Refugees will take place from 10-12 May in Lisbon, Portugal.

    The purpose of the course is to look at the international protection framework for Refugees. It will consider this topic from an international law perspective but reference will be also made to the European framework. It will look at the refugee definition and will examine concepts such as well-founded fear, reasons for persecution, agents of persecution and the failure of state protection.

  • Comparative Analysis of Gender-Related Asylum Claims in Europe Released

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    The “Gender-related asylum claims in Europe” study was released on 30 May 2012 following a launch at the European Parliament. The study provides a comparative analysis of law, policies and practices focusing on women in nine EU Member States – Belgium, France, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Romania, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

  • Ireland: High Court: W.A [DRC] -v- Minister for Justice & Anor, 2012 IEHC 251, 25/06/2012

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    The applicant is a national of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) who arrived in Ireland in November 2009, and claimed asylum. In a report dated the 8th March, 2010, under s. 13(1) of the Refugee Act 1996 (as amended) the Office of the Refugee Commissioner gave a negative recommendation upon the asylum application. This recommendation was based upon the primary conclusion that the account given by the applicant as the basis of his fear of persecution lacked credibility.

  • ECtHR judgment in Mohammed v. Austria (no. 2283/12) [Articles 3 and 13 ECHR]

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    The applicant is a Sudanese national who arrived in Austria via Greece and Hungary and applied for asylum. His application was rejected under the Dublin Regulation and his transfer to Hungary was ordered. Several months later, he filed a second asylum application, which did not have suspensive effect.  Before the ECtHR, he argued that his transfer to Hungary would expose him to treatment contrary to Article 3. He also relied on Article 13, because his second asylum request in Austria did not have any suspensive effect in relation to the transfer order.


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