
ECRE is currently working on redeveloping the website. Visitors can still access the database and search for asylum-related judgments up until 2021.

The French suite. The effect of Al Chodor on the detention of asylum seekers for the purpose of a Dublin transfer



In its decision from 27 September 2017 [Pourvoi n 17-15.160, arrêt n° 1130], the first civil chamber of the Cassation Court in France examines and applies the conclusions of the case of Al Chodor given by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on 15 March 2017...

Suite française. Les implications de l’affaire Al Chodor concernant la rétention des demandeurs d’asile dublinés



Dans sa décision du 27 septembre 2017 [Pourvoi n° 17-15.160, arrêt n° 1130], la première chambre civile de la Cour de Cassation tire les conséquences de l’arrêt rendu par la Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne CJUE le 15 mars 2017 dans l’affaire Al Chodor [...

Summary land border expulsions in front of the ECtHR: ND and NT v Spain


This journal contribution is to be read in conjunction with the EDAL case summary on ND and NT v Spain.

Introduction :

When ND and NT submitted their application to the European Court of Human Rights in February 2015, the latest Grand Chamber judgment on collective expulsions was Hirsi Jamaa and others v Italy...

Applying the Dublin Regulation to the family reunification of unaccompanied children in the absence of official asylum claims


1.      Introduction

In recent years, thousands of children in need of international protection have traversed the Mediterranean and entered Europe unauthorised and unaccompanied by a parent or responsible adult. Many enter in the hope of reuniting with family members already residing in Europe, seeking both family reunification and international protection under the...

Hotspots under a spotlight: the legality of the hotspot approach in Italy



Constituting an iconic flagship of the European Agenda on Migration, Hotspots are the tool designed by the European Commission to prevent the “inflow” of migrants who arrive to Italy and Greece. 

According to ...

Ending impunity for the violation of migrant worker’s rights: Chowdury v Greece


On 30 March 2017, the European Court of Human Rights handed down a judgment that condemned Greece for non-compliance with its positive obligations stemming from Article 4(2) of the European Convention of Human Rights - no-one shall be required to perform forced or compulsory labour. The Chamber judgment in Chowdury v Greece examines the forced labour of Bangladeshi migrant workers, who were working in the strawberry fields of Manolada.


The End of the Right to Asylum in Hungary?


1. Introduction

On 28th March 2017, the Hungarian Act “On the amendment of certain acts related to increasing the strictness of procedures carried out in the areas of border management” entered into force, amending five pieces of domestic legislation: the Act on Asylum, the Act on the Admission and Right of Residence of Third-Country Nationals, the Act on State Border, the Act on Minor Offences and the Act on Child Protection and Guardianship Management. The newly past law requires that all asylum-seekers must submit their application in the transit zones...

Equality of arms? Use of classified information in return cases in Poland



Return decisions should generally include factually based information on why the decision is being issued. However, under the Return Directive justification of the decision can be limited for reasons of national security (Article 12(1) second sentence). The information contained in such a decision is often provided by the intelligence services of the state and therefore protected by the law. The problem arises when factually based information is not...

The ECtHR Ruling in Ilias and Ahmed: ‘safe third country’ concept put to the test


On 14 March 2017 the Fourth Section of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) delivered its judgement in the case of Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary concerning two asylum seekers of Bangladeshi nationality who were detained at the border zone in Hungary and then subject to removal to Serbia. Although the judgement is not final yet (as Hungary could...
